Saturday Outing!

Last Saturday, I had my real outing for the very first time! But, before that, dress-up session first!

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First, I had to put my two front paws through a part of my leash

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Then, I had to wiggle about to help with putting the leash on. Big Lady said I was making things difficult but I'm sure I helped.

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Boo hoo....there goes my freedom

Should dogs wear a leash? Yes, they should, especially small Poodles like us! Imagine what would happen if in our excitement, we dashed out onto a very busy road, heedless of safety and blissfully unaware of our surroundings! We always need Big People to look out for us, you know.

Also, there’s that part about being civic-minded. Just because my Big People love me to bits doesn’t mean that I should ignorantly assume all Big People love dogs. So, just in case we are being friendly and run over to say “Hi” to some Big Person who is awfully afraid of cute little Poodles like us, I’d say, bring on the leash!

Next up, socks! As you know, my Big People have OCD, so they said I must wear socks to prevent my paws from getting dirty.

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Left sock for the left paw...

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Right sock for the right paw...

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TA DA!!!

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And again, left sock for the left paw...

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Right sock for the right paw...

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Hey ma, ah got paws fit for rappin', yo

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Them socks feel squeezy

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Socks or no socks, I must go through my Angry Bird routine before heading out!

We went to a really nice al-fresco dog-friendly restaurant called Element Fresh. They have a few branches in Beijing, but I think this particular branch at Lido is one of their nicest! You can meet lots of dog-loving Big People with their Golden Retrievers, Schnauzers and…

POODLES, like me!!!

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Summer is hot! Pant, pant, pant!

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It's still comforting to stay in Big Lady's arms. The world is really big, you know.

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Hey, a new friend!

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*Whisper whisper* What, they give you beef treats? I only get milk bones!

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I'm actually kinda shy cos this new Poodle friend is a guy


Stretching legs after brunch


I'm soooo cute, aren't I?


Truffle prowls the streets of Beijing


I'm just a little poodle, 50 steps are too much, can we have a break, pwease?



Angry Birds

Truffle, the Poodle stares at the round red ball-like thing dangling in front of her. She slowly creeps towards the ball and sniffs it cautiously. After assessing that danger, if any, is minimal, she makes a lunge for the ball!

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I'm a brave poodle who attacks birds double my size!

She successfully grabs it and scurries off with her prize! Further investigations reveal that this ball has a black tail and a yellow beak.

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I'm quite certain this ain't no parrot though

Besides these two remarkable features (after all, it is not every day that you come across balls with black tails and yellow beaks), Truffle discovers that this ball has two eyes and a pair of thick-lined eyebrows.

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Attack! Yellow beaks deserve to be bitten!

Whatever this ball may be, Truffle, the Poodle, is certain of one thing.

This ball is deliciously chewable!!!

Truffle lies contentedly on her side, chewing the red ball with slightly unfocused eyes, lost in dreamland where chewable red balls with black tails and yellow beaks are surrounding her everywhere.

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Yum yum yum, chew chew chew; I love toys when they are new

After five minutes…

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Boring unresponsive bird. Let me go look for toes.

The 3Cs

I remember that you Singaporean Big People had this joke stating that girls look for the 5Cs when choosing a male partner:

Credit Card
Country Club

 If you think I’m joking about this joke, you can read all about it in Wikipedia.

I’ve heard say that dogs are high maintenance, what a preposterous claim when you Big People are the ones who are high maintenance. Look at the amount of demands you all have! Each of you are a willing contributor to the V.I.P. behaviour which I talked about a couple of days back.

As for Truffle, the Poodle, I’m definitely low-maintenance and this applies to all poodles as well. To install us in your house, you need only provide us with the 3Cs:


1. Cot

Give us a basic crate, which shouldn’t be any larger than 2 – 3 times our size and we are happy to sleep there all snug and comfortable. A little padding is nice but we don’t need fancy cushions or velvet pillows. Personally, I would love having my Big People’s old clothes in there because it smells homey and nice, but sigh, they just won’t let me have that luxury.

2. Chow

Proper dog food, please, so that we can keep our fur nice and clean, and to fulfill all that boring talk about nutrition.

3. Cleanliness

We need dog shampoo, which doesn’t cost much and the occasional help from you Big People to ensure our cot and chow-ware are clean! That means washing them regularly if we accidentally soil them, please!

To all you Big Guys, wouldn’t you agree that I’m more attractive than all those materialistic Big Ladies out there? *Blink blink*


My cute and adorable looks beat all Big Ladies' looks any time flat.


My Big People gave me a present!!!


Finally I get a decent bowl! The previous one was....undignified!

Check out my new dish bowl! OK, OK, I know it’s pink but you really can’t blame my Big People. After all, I am a girl and according to you Big People, social norms dictate that girls must like pink. I’m not complaining about my bowl, I think the colour is lovely.

But, that’s not at all! My Big People got me a chewy bone too!


Milk flavoured gnawy bone yummy!

I was jumping all over them in excitement until I heard….


Gimme gimme gimme gimme!

“Let’s hope Truffle stops chewing our toes from now on.”